09/01/20 - Cleaning and Painting Invitation to Bid
The Panama City Housing Authority (PCHA) Invitation to Bid for Painting and Cleaning Services.
- Scope of Work- Painting and cleaning of vacated apartments to prepare for occupancy at five PCHA apartment communities.
Project Documents, Statement of Work and the full Scope of Work can be found at panamaciythousing.org/contracts on September 1, 2020. - Bid Schedule - Sealed Bids will be due September 18, 2020 no later than 2:00 pm and can be mailed or delivered to the Panama City Housing Authority, 2315 Ruth Hentz Avenue, Panama City, Florida 32405, Attn: Mike Johnson, Facilities Manager.
Sealed bids will be opened September 18, 2020 at 2 pm in the PCHA Conference room. Oral, telegraphic or electronic proposals will not be considered. - Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference - A Pre-Bid Conference is scheduled for Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 2:00 pm at the maintenance office of Gardner Dickinson Apartments, 1025 Everitt Avenue, Unit L2, Panama City, FL 32401.